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    • Biology Biology
    • Ico Chemistry Chemistry
    • 11-14
    • 55


  of  7

Cells, organs and systems

Cells are fantastic individual units, but they are even better together! Cells are usually found as part of a tissue, which is when several of the same type of cell are grouped together. An example of this is muscle tissue.

Organs are made up of several different tissues, and so they contain several different types of cell. There are many different organs in our bodies, our hearts, lungs, stomachs etc. Even our skin is an organ!

Organs often come together to form systems, with each system having a very specific role to play in the body. Examples include the cardiovascular system, the respiratory system and the digestive system. Systems come together to form organisms.

See the animation below for a more detailed insight into each step, starting from the body, working all the way down to the DNA inside the cell nucleus.

Click on and drag the arrow box from left to right to explore all the organisation levels within our organism.