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Medicines to treat disease

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Medicines to treat disease

Medicines and Drugs

Infectious diseases have been treated in a variety of ways in the past and, as bacteria mutate, new medicines will be needed in the future.

Learn about these treatments, and also what happens to medicines, and drugs, when they are swallowed, injected or inhaled.

What is a drug?

A drug is a substance which alters the way in which the body works. It can affect your mind, your body or both. In every society there are certain drugs which are used for medicine, and others which are used for pleasure. Usually some of the drugs which are used for pleasure are socially acceptable, while others are illegal.

Find out how medicine made Ellie feel better in our brand new Ellie story.

Teachers and/or pupils can read the story themselves by opening the link below left and clicking through the interactive PDF. Alternatively, watch and listen to the story being narrated by clicking on the video link below right.

Ellies Medicine Stills Intro

Open the link below and clicking through the interactive PDF.

Alternatively, watch and listen to the story being narrated by clicking on the video link on the right.

You can also enjoy this story in Welsh.

Watch the video to hear the Ellie's Medicine story.